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Are you struggling with benzodiazepine abuse in your life? There are many addictive drugs on the market. Some of them are legal, while others are only available for illegal purchases on the streets. While most people know which drugs are addictive, some are completely unaware of the dangers of certain drugs like benzodiazepines. If you’ve become addicted to benzos, treatment is your best option. The benzo treatment program at Crest View Recovery Center can help.
Benzodiazepines or benzos are prescription drugs that help with panic attacks, anxiety, insomnia, and seizures. Some popular drugs that individuals become addicted to through benzodiazepine abuse include:
Drugs like these slow down brain and central nervous system functions. More specifically, they target gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is a neurotransmitter in the brain that regulates feelings of stress and anxiety.
When most people think of the prescription drug epidemic, painkillers and other opiates usually come to mind. However, benzos are just as addictive. Many experts believe that benzos are even more of a problem because people aren’t aware of their addictive nature, which has caused many to need to go to a benzo addiction treatment center.
Doctors, however, know the addictive nature of these drugs and offer prescription drug addiction treatment. Most of them only prescribe benzos for a short period of time. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take long for people to develop full-blown addictions.
Even if these medications are closely monitored, there is still room for error. Because this is the case, benzos have slowly started to become a problem within North Carolina and make their way on to the “drugs to watch” radar.
Some disturbing facts about benzos came out in a 2011 study. Researchers found that millions of people in the United States have benzo prescriptions. In fact, nearly 49 million people had Xanax prescriptions, and another 28 million had Ativan prescriptions.
In 2010, nearly 125,000 people went to the emergency room as a direct result of taking Xanax. Law officials confiscated the drug from over 39,000 people in 2011. Most of these people got the Xanax illegally, and others took it from relatives or friends.
People often mistake benzo use in North Carolina for not being dangerous. Unfortunately, the opposite is true. Therefore, the need for an effective benzo addiction treatment center in North Carolina is even more necessary. Because it can also take longer for the effects of benzos to kick in than other drugs, people continue to take them until they feel the effects, which makes them take too many and eventually overdose.
Trying to stop taking benzos is another danger as many people experience severe benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms. They severely alter the chemical balance in the brain. Detoxing from the drug is not only painful but also dangerous. The risk of relapse is also really strong with benzos, so people can continue craving the drug months after detox.
Once individuals suffering from substance addiction are placed into a rehabilitation center in North Carolina, the first step to recovery will be a process called detoxification. Detoxification is the medical process of slowly weaning an addicted individual off of the substance they have been abusing. Over time, this process eliminates drugs or alcohol from the patient’s body.
During this process, the patient will experience physical and mental symptoms called “withdrawal symptoms.” The symptoms can be very painful and include things like increased heart rates, profusely sweating and even seizures in some cases. Once this process has been completed, the treated patient will be transferred over to a rehabilitation facility to begin professionally recommended treatments for their addiction disorders.
Here at CRVC, we never recommend individuals to try to detox by themselves at home. We are partnered with a detoxification facility that will offer the recommended length of stay and will oversee each stage of the process to ensure detoxification completion.
Even short-term benzodiazepine abuse can lead to physical dependency. If a dependency develops, users may experience withdrawal symptoms when they suddenly stop using or cut their dosages significantly.
Benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms vary from mildly uncomfortable to downright unbearable. The severity depends on many factors, including personal addiction history, duration of use and average dosage.
Mild benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms may include:
More severe symptoms can include:
Because these symptoms can be unpredictable and potentially dangerous, a medically monitored detox is usually the best way to combat withdrawal and prepare for addiction recovery. However, detox is only the beginning of addiction recovery. Without subsequent substance abuse treatment programs, you won’t be able to address the behaviors that led you to addiction in the first place.
At Crest View Recovery Center, we take great pride in providing clients with the best possible care. As one of the top drug treatment centers in North Carolina, we have an obligation to provide a high level of care. Our commitment to providing quality services starts with our addiction therapy services, which include:
One thing that sets us apart from the rest is our reality therapy program. Unlike other centers in North Carolina that try to isolate clients, we put our clients in a real-life setting. They live together under supervision at one of our main houses. They learn to cope, lean on each other for support and find out what it takes to re-enter society.
As part of our reality therapy, our clients also learn life skills. Budgeting money and going shopping are examples. We feel that these are basic needs that everyone needs to know before they return to society.
Don’t let a North Carolina benzo addiction ruin your life. Turn to Crest View Recovery Center when you want only the best that North Carolina can provide. Contact Crest View Recovery Center for more information at (866)327-2505.
At Crest View Recovery Center, we take great pride in providing clients with the best possible care. As one of the top drug treatment centers in North Carolina, we have an obligation to provide a high level of care. Our commitment to providing quality services starts with our addiction therapy services, which include:
One thing that sets us apart from the rest is our reality therapy program. Unlike other centers that try to isolate clients, we put our clients in a real-life setting. They live together under supervision at one of our main houses. They learn to cope, lean on each other for support and find out what it takes to re-enter society.
As part of our reality therapy, our clients also learn life skills. Budgeting money and going shopping are examples. We feel that these are basic needs that everyone needs to know before they return to society.
Don’t let an addiction to benzodiazepines ruin your life. Turn to Crest View Recovery Center when you want only the best that North Carolina can provide. Contact Crest View Recovery Center for more information at (866)327-2505.
Stop trying to fight this battle alone. Let today be the day you take control back from addiction. Contact Crest View today.
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