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Opioid painkillers are a real problem in America. In fact, the country is in the middle of an opioid epidemic. It’s not only natural opioids that are the problem, but also synthetic opioids. Tramadol addiction, for example, is a real problem that poses a number of dangerous side effects. In turn, many are in need of tramadol addiction treatment center.
This drug is a synthetic opioid painkiller. Moreover, doctors typically prescribe tramadol to deal with moderate to severe levels of pain. For example, doctors give it to people after surgery. They also use it to deal with chronic cases of arthritis that otherwise debilitate people.
Tramadol is available under many brand names, including Ultram, ConZip, Ryzolt, and FusePaq Synapryn. Specifically, all of these drugs contain tramadol and are addictive.
It’s also worth pointing out that tramadol comes in normal and extended-release forms. The extended-release formula allows people to experience the effects longer. The goal is to keep them from having to take tramadol so frequently.
When people use the drug as their doctors prescribe, it has minimal side effects. However, it’s very easy for people to go from taking tramadol for medical purposes to taking it recreationally.
To make matters worse, people never know when they develop an addiction. Sometimes they can take a whole prescription and never develop a problem. Others develop the disease after a couple of days. Eventually, it becomes an addiction that can only be cured at a Tramadol addiction treatment center.
Once addiction kicks in, tramadol becomes extremely dangerous. For example, it causes several mental health problems, including:
Unfortunately, the bad news doesn’t stop there. People who participate in tramadol abuse build up a tolerance to it. They have to keep taking more to feel the same effects. In fact, the more that people take of a drug, the higher overdose risk they have.
There’s no magic amount that causes overdose. Everyone’s body is different, so people can overdose on different amounts. When they overdose on tramadol, they run the risk of falling into a coma.
Tramadol abuse also increases your risk for Serotonin Syndrome. Specifically, serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps maintain your mood, among other things. Serotonin Syndrome happens when there is too much serotonin in your brain. In addition, this often happens because someone takes too much of a drug or several drugs that prevent your brain from absorbing serotonin.
Symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome include tremors, confusion, agitation, and sweating. In severe cases, the symptoms can include very fast heart rate, hallucinations, and coma.
The sooner you get help for addiction, the better chance you have for long-term recovery. To get help quickly, however, you have to know what to look for. Thankfully, several signs indicate a tramadol addiction.
Taking tramadol for long periods of time is the first sign. It means that you probably get your prescriptions from multiple doctors. After all, most doctors don’t prescribe tramadol for long because of the addiction risk.
Furthermore, the dose you take is another strong indication. Do you take a higher dose than your prescription? As you build a tolerance, you start to double up on doses. When you have to take more than doctors recommend, abuse is a clear problem.
Doctor shopping is a third sign. Once again, doctors only prescribe tramadol for a limited length of time. After that, they no longer give people the drug to avoid tramadol addiction. To keep taking the drug, users look for new doctors to give them more of the drug.
Tramadol withdrawal resembles other opioid painkiller withdrawal symptoms. For example, you’ll feel ill, like you caught the flu, along with anxiety, trouble sleeping, and high blood pressure. As time passes, the symptoms will transition into severe cravings, depression, vomiting, and cramps. Specifically, physical withdrawal usually peaks in a few days, but it can last up to a week.
At Crest View Recovery Center, rehab treatment involves a comprehensive approach to wellness. We look beyond the physical symptoms and help clients find freedom, health, and happiness in sobriety. For example, treatment includes a long list of therapies, just some of which are:
In individual therapy, you will work closely with one of our mental health professionals to develop the skills you need to succeed and explore areas that might have driven you to abuse substances.
Substances can wreak havoc in the family system. Many families want to heal. They miss their mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter; they miss all of you. But for true healing to begin you need help from a licensed professional
Recovery from addiction can feel very lonely at times. In group therapy, we will help give you an environment where you feel less alone. You will also have the opportunity to make friends and use the group as a sounding board for new ideas and realizations.
Recreational therapy can be fun, but it’s not all play. Important lessons are taught in wilderness therapy among other activities like yoga and acupuncture.
Dual diagnosis is the name given to a co-occurring disorder when it is diagnosed. Any mental health disorder that occurs with an addiction disorder is a co-occurring disorder. Some common co-occurring disorders are:
For some people, the issue that caused them the pain that eventually leads them to tramadol could also be causing them PTSD. Car crashes and other traumatic events can easily cause someone PTSD as well as physical pain.
Do you have a painkiller addiction? If so, you need to seek addiction treatment services at Crest View Recovery Center. We provide custom addiction care plans that help you overcome any kind of drug addiction.
We also offer gender-specific treatment at Crest View Recovery Center. It’s important that men and women get treatment that addresses their individual needs. Offering gender-specific treatment makes it easier to open up about your problems during group therapy.
Don’t let prescription drug addiction ruin your life. Reach out to our friendly staff today. Call us anytime at 866-986-1371 for more information.
Stop trying to fight this battle alone. Let today be the day you take control back from addiction. Contact Crest View today.
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