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A large number of Americans experiencing chronic pain will receive opioid prescription painkillers. When prescribed in a medical setting these drugs can be extremely helpful in regulating pain. However, understanding more about these drugs can help recognize if there is a problem occurring. What are opioids and what problems do these types of drugs present? How can you recognize the signs of a prescription painkiller abuse problem? Do you or someone you know need to go to a prescription painkiller addiction treatment center?
Painkiller addiction is a major problem in America. In fact, it’s one of the biggest social problems we experience in our country today. A big part of this problem is the ease with which people obtain their painkillers through doctors or on the street. If you suffer addiction to painkillers, you understand this problem and how it begins. Specifically, long term use of painkillers puts anyone at risk for tolerance, then dependence and addiction. This happens even when you use the drugs according to a doctor’s prescription. Tolerance almost goes unnoticed, with the exception of your use of larger doses because the pills no longer help you as they once did. This puts one foot into painkiller abuse, with continued use taking you into full-fledged addiction.
Why are we seeing a continual increase in the abuse of opioid medications? For example, more people are using prescription opioids today than at any time in the past. Secondly, people are also using these medications for longer periods of time.
However, opioids should generally remain in use for short periods of time to lessen the likelihood of dependence occurring. Over time more of the drug is needed to create the same type of effect. This is when tolerance and addiction develop.
Once addiction occurs, the discomfort that accompanies physical painkiller withdrawal symptoms can be extreme.
Withdrawal symptoms include:
Because the withdrawal symptoms can be so intense. It can result in a person not seeking the help they need to overcome the abuse of opioid drugs. Or, they could find themselves attempting to quit “cold turkey” and suffering dramatically to the withdrawal symptoms.
If you or someone you know is trying to detox your body from prescription drugs like opioids, it is important that you seek help from a professional detox clinic.
Substance abuse comes in many different forms. Different people can be affected by this problem in different ways. However, there are a number of signs of painkiller abuse that you can watch out for.
When people are living with addiction, their behavior can change dramatically. If you notice they are making decisions that they otherwise would never make, they may be suffering from addiction. Some more serious signs include the following:
Those struggling with substance abuse issues may seek treatment from several different doctors. This is referred to as “Doctor Shopping”. Addicts will do this to ensure they never run out of the medication they’re using.
They may also look for other individuals using the same or similar substances so that they can trade.
Specifically, the effects of substance abuse can become extreme. It may start off as some mild neglect of their career, friends or family, but in the long run, those facing these issues will often continue to misuse the substance in spite of devastating effects. Things like job losses, legal troubles, and severe health complaints.
It can be difficult to watch a loved one suffer from the effects of substance abuse. Often times an addict has outcasted themselves from friends and family due to the addiction. Continuing to show your love and concern is often the best thing you can do to support them. Let them know you are there to lend a supportive shoulder and listening ear. Help them consider seeking appropriate professional help so that they can regain a peaceful life.
As we discussed earlier, addiction to a prescription painkiller causes the users extreme withdrawal symptoms. Attempting to quit alone is extremely difficult and medically speaking – not recommended. But beating the physical symptoms of addiction is only the beginning.
The road to recovery from substance abuse can be long and isolating for many people. The overwhelming majority of those suffering from these issues require the expertise of professionals who dedicate their lives to implementing effective forms of treatment. Addicts need to understand what led them to addiction in the first place. They also need to understand their triggers and how to develop a routine that no longer includes their addiction.
Furthermore, addiction treatment centers exist all over America to provide such in-depth support to those in need.
Painkiller abuse treatment, such as for oxycodone or tramadol abuse, provides the addiction therapy and support you need for a fresh start in life. You can break free from the strong grip painkillers have on your life. For example, the therapies and treatments you need include:
Getting through painkiller abuse is never easy. However, this is something you can overcome with the right support, guidance, therapies, and education. Your family also heals at the same time, through ongoing involvement in your program. Stop living the life of painkiller abuse and start enjoying a better life in sobriety. Call Crest View Recovery Center now at 866-986-1371 for the rehab you need in beautiful Asheville, NC.
Stop trying to fight this battle alone. Let today be the day you take control back from addiction. Contact Crest View today.
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