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If you’re concerned about a friend or family member’s well-being, we’re here to guide them on their path to recovery. Let us be your partner in their healing journey.
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If you are married to someone who is suffering from an alcohol or drug use disorder, no doubt you are facing many challenges. Many times, spouses of addicts struggle to know exactly how to help their suffering loved ones. Perhaps you’re currently trying to figure out how to encourage your spouse to get help. If you’re the spouse of an addict, the first thing you need to know is that you are not alone. There is hope for your spouse and there are resources you can use for support in your own life.
To help your spouse, you will need to know more about addiction. Find out all you can about how this illness is affecting your spouse. Seek advice and counseling to help you deal with your struggles surrounding this issue.
While you can’t force a person into treatment, you can try to encourage the person to see how serious the situation is. One thing you should not do is to let the addicted person take over your life. No matter how much you care and want to help, you will only be enabling your loved one if you allow him or her to use your concern or love against you.
Co-dependency is a big problem in families where substance dependency is an issue. Those with co-dependency tend to interact with the struggling individual in ways that are detrimental to their own life.
The goal of these 9 steps leads to one thing: the individual’s enrollment in an addiction treatment program. Substance dependence cannot be treated at home. The best treatment is at a facility where people can’t get ahold of drugs or alcohol and where they have 24-hour supervision.
You need to reassure yourself that your husband or wife is suffering from substance use disorder. You may have previously overlooked signs and symptoms of a problem until the damage became obvious.
When a family realizes that one of the members’ drinking problem is probably alcoholism, it is a big step forward in handling the situation. The same is true when a family realizes that a person’s drug use is likely an addiction. You may have suggested that they cut back, improve their behavior, not go out to bars as often, and stop spending time with other drug users.
Then you wait to see what happens. When there is no improvement, family members and close friends may begin to realize the seriousness of the problem. The individual is out of control of their drinking or drug use. He or she is likely to be physically and psychologically dependent on the substance and is compelled to drink or use.
There is a fine line between helping an individual and enabling him or her. It is important to avoid “helping” in a way that makes it easier for him to continue the addictive behavior.
When the person has been given chances to improve on their own and can not do it, it may be time for the family to step in. An addiction rehabilitation program is necessary.
If you want to show your support for a loved one who is in treatment for substance use disorder, here are five rules you should follow:
Some people wonder whether detox or rehab is best for treating substance dependence. The truth is that both are usually required. A comprehensive recovery program will include detox, rehabilitation, and aftercare. Statistics show that those who complete detox without a rehab treatment program are more likely to suffer a relapse.
For most people with substance use disorder, detox is a key first step. The goal is to stop using drugs or alcohol and give your body time to get the substance out of your system. When someone suddenly stops using alcohol or drugs, they might develop withdrawal symptoms. This can start while they still have drugs or alcohol in their blood. Most people go to a hospital or treatment center because of withdrawal symptoms like:
Patients receive 24-hour supervision with doctors and other experts available to keep an eye on them and administer medicines that help with the symptoms. Symptoms may last a week or more, becoming their worst within 24-72 hours.
A patient is more likely to stick with a detox program if given lots of help. The goal of detox support is to help the patient get mentally and physically stable. Temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing are checked regularly during this process. The final goal of detox is to help the individual get into a treatment program so he can learn to break the addiction.
Professional Therapy/Counseling — A qualified counselor can help an addict devise a plan to handle the problem. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is often used to treat substance dependency.
Treat underlying/co-occurring problems — There may be underlying mental health problems such as self-esteem, depression, stress, and anxiety that also need to be treated along with substance dependence. Common physical issues such as hypertension, liver diseases, and possibly heart diseases will need to be treated too.
Inpatient rehab — These programs offer expert professional help, individual and/or group therapy, support groups, family involvement, training, activity therapy and many other strategies for treating substance abuse. In these programs, the individual lives at the treatment center for 1-3 months. This is helpful in that the patient is removed from all temptations that may trigger addictive behavior.
There is hope for you and your friend or family member. It will take a team of professionals and, fortunately, we are ready to be part of your team. We have addiction experts and proven treatment methods waiting for you to give us the call.
Reach out to us today and end the worry, stress, heartbreak, and yes, anger you have been feeling. It is time to help your spouse. It is time to give yourself a break.
Contact us here at Crest View Recovery Center today to get the help, support, and guidance you need. You can also speak to our team of addiction treatment specialists by dialing (866) 327-2505.
Stop trying to fight this battle alone. Let today be the day you take control back from addiction. Contact Crest View today.
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