Addiction Blog

How to Heal from Trauma with Healthy Coping Mechanisms

Trauma can feel like an insurmountable obstacle, but understanding how to heal from it is crucial for anyone seeking a healthier, more...
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What to Bring to Rehabs That Allow Dogs

Are you considering seeking addiction treatment but worried about leaving your furry friend behind? You’re not alone. Many people share the same...
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Alcohol Withdrawal Insomnia: What Is It and How to Treat It

Insomnia during alcohol withdrawal is a common issue faced by individuals in the process of quitting alcohol. This condition not only disrupts...
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Can You Overdose on Cocaine?

Can you overdose on cocaine? The answer is yes. But why and how?  Cocaine is a powerful drug that is more addictive...
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How Long Does Cocaine Stay In Your System?

“How long does cocaine stay in your system?” This is a common question among those undergoing treatment or facing drug testing. The...
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Meth vs. Crystal Meth: What’s the Difference?

Understanding the differences between meth vs. crystal meth is crucial for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of methamphetamine abuse. Although these terms...
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Signs and Symptoms of Sleeping Pill Overdose

Many people live stressful lives, leading to restlessness and insomnia. Consequently, sleeping pills are widely prescribed. But can you overdose on sleeping...
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What are Gateway Drugs?

Any way you slice it, drug abuse is a serious threat to a person’s health and happiness. However, some types of drugs...
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Returning to Work After Rehab

4 Tips for Returning to Work After Rehab

Navigating the transition back to the workplace after completing a rehabilitation program can be one of the most critical and challenging phases...
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The Link Between Addiction and Depression

The Link Between Addiction and Depression

It’s a common misconception that addiction and depression are separate, isolated issues, but the reality is far more complex. These two conditions...
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The Physical, Emotional, and Behavioral Signs of Addiction

The Physical, Emotional, and Behavioral Signs of Addiction

Addiction is a complex and often misunderstood condition that impacts every facet of a person’s life, from their physical well-being to their...
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Misused OTC and Prescription Drugs

10 Commonly Misused OTC and Prescription Drugs

We often think of drug misuse in terms of illegal substances. However, the misuse of both over-the-counter (OTC) drugs – medicines readily...
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What is a Dry Drunk?

What is a Dry Drunk?

In alcohol addiction recovery, there is a term that often crops up: “dry drunk.” While it may sound contradictory, this phrase carries...
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Signs of a High Functioning Alcoholic

7 Signs of a High Functioning Alcoholic

Alcoholism isn’t always easy to identify, especially when it comes to high-functioning alcoholics. These individuals often maintain a semblance of normalcy, excelling...
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What is Drug Induced Psychosis

What is Drug Induced Psychosis?

In a world where substances are prevalent, the consequences of drug misuse can extend beyond physical health, affecting mental well-being as well....
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Why Is Alcohol Addictive?

Why Is Alcohol Addictive?

Alcohol, a seemingly innocuous beverage enjoyed casually worldwide, carries a darker side that slips under the radar too often: addiction. But why...
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How Long Does It Take To Get Addicted To Alcohol?

How Long Does It Take To Get Addicted To Alcohol?

Alcohol is a pervasive part of many cultures, often enjoyed in moderation during social gatherings or to unwind after a long day....
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How Addictive Is Oxycodone

How Addictive Is Oxycodone?

In the battle against chronic pain, oxycodone has emerged as an effective pain reliever. However, its power does not come without peril....
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What is the Most Addictive Drug

What Is the Most Addictive Drug?

In the world of substance use and addiction, one question continues to perplex experts and laypeople alike – what is the most...
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Facts About Addiction

10 Facts About Addiction

Addiction is a health condition that’s often misunderstood and stigmatized by society. It’s a topic that demands a deeper understanding, a compassionate...
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Substance Induced Anxiety Disorder

Understanding Substance Induced Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety is more than just feeling stressed or worried. It’s a serious condition that makes it hard for a person to cope...
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Is Alcoholism a Mental Illness?

Is Alcoholism a Mental Illness?

Alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a serious issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It’s a chronic characterized...
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Blog Graphic Online Rehab

Online Drug Rehab: 5 Disadvantages

In the fast-paced world of today, people are constantly searching for convenient solutions to their problems. In the sphere of health care,...
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Pros and Cons of Online Addiction Treatment

Pros and Cons of Online Addiction Treatment

Online addiction treatment has become a popular option for individuals seeking help and support during their journey towards recovery. These programs offer...
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Can you overdose on suboxone?

Can You Overdose On Suboxone?

Suboxone is a brand name for FDA-approved prescription medication used in medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder. It is a combination...
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Long-Term Sobriety from Alcohol

Strategies for Maintaining Long-Term Sobriety from Alcohol

You already know how much effort it takes to become sober if you’re already recovering from an alcohol use disorder. You’ll want...
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What is Suboxone

Opioid Addiction: What is Suboxone?

Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) for opioid addiction can be accomplished using various medications. However, suboxone is one of the most popular MAT...
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